Mama Miller Parenting

Passionate parenting and homemaking.

Felt Scenes

on November 8, 2012

I apologize in advanced for the pictures. The lighting was not my friend today.

I decided it was time for another fun felt craft. I made a felt pumpkin and ghost a few weeks ago. Today we made a felt aquarium scene and a felt space scene to hang on the wall.

We got a ton of felt in various colors and a large rectangle of blue and black at Hobby Lobby. We also found clear buckets at Target in the bargain bin section. In all, less than $10.

We also used scissors, sharpies, and push pins.

I let K dictate the colors to me. We cut out two long strips of black for the aquarium rocks and dark brown for land on the space scene. I cut squiggly pieces for sea weed and drew on the felt with a sharpie for other pieces. We made a crab, fish, starfish, a treasure chest, and a turtle for the aquarium. We did stars, Earth, the moon, Mars, a rocket, aliens, and astronauts for the space scene.

I hung the large pieces of felt on the wall with push pins and hung the bucket with all our pieces.


Here is our finished aquarium:


Our space scene can be space exploration:


Or visiting a new world:


I free handed everything but you could easily make templates. The kids are having a blast taking the fish and astronauts on an off.


7 responses to “Felt Scenes

  1. godmadeknown says:

    Love the space scene!

  2. I love your ideas! Your scenes turned out really cute 🙂

  3. Love this! Love your ideas, I want to make a Christmas tree out of felt myself (I saw this idea on one blog)

  4. […] decided to use my felt scraps from the aquarium and space scenes to make E and her cousin turkey […]

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