Mama Miller Parenting

Passionate parenting and homemaking.

Kid Logic

on August 29, 2012

I am so blessed. I get to hang out with the funniest kids ever.

As I mentioned yesterday, we had our dearest friends staying with us on Monday night. They have great kids. Their son, Bug*, is about a year a half older than K. Their daughter, Bird*, is almost 2. She is actually EXACTLY one year older than E. How cool is that?! We have little birthday buddies.

Here are a few gems of awesome kid humor from the past couple days:

Playing with Fire
Bug and K were having a picnic under the table in their “Bat Cave”. I had put blankets over the table and used tape to stick fake candles to the underside of the table. Bug looked up at the fake candles and got very concerned.

Bug: Um… Aunt Cori, why is there fire under your table? You are not supposed to have fire under your table.
Me: It is ok. They are fake candles. It isn’t real fire.
Bug tentatively touches the candle: Oh… I guess it is fake fire.

Name Sharing
After the other kids were napping, Bug was laying in the living room and watching My Fair Wedding with me. The groom on the episode was named Kory.

Bug: That show is talking about you Aunt Cori!
Me: No Bug, that man’s name is Kory. He is a boy Kory.
Bug: Why is that man trying to be Aunt Cori? That is silly. He isn’t Aunt Cori.
Me: No Bug. He just has the same name as me.
Bug: Oh… I don’t want to share my name.

It’s Only Logical
K was supposed to be getting dressed this morning and after 10 minutes ran in the living room wearing only a t-shirt.

Me: Why aren’t you wearing any underpants?
K in an exasperated voice: Because I have my jacket!

Well sure. That makes perfect sense.

Not What I Meant
K runs into the living room- again without pants. (I’m seeing a pattern today.)

K: I’m done poopin’ Mom!
Me: No bud! Please don’t get off the potty. Just call me from the toilet and I’ll come help you.
K yelling as he runs back to the bathroom: MOM! I POOPED! I’M DONE! COME HELP! See? I called you.

*face palm*

There is never a dull moment around these kids. Motherhood/aunthood is anything but boring.

While they were here both boys wore their Batman shirts. I don’t think they’ve ever seen Batman but they know he is a super hero. Of course we had to make the table into a fort/bat cave. We also did picture sticker art. (Let the kids pick out a few stickers and color a picture around them.)

We miss them already. Living across the state from friends is a bit more difficult when the state is Texas.

*I am sure you have guessed by now that I don’t use my kids’ full names in my blog for the sake of privacy. Out of respect for our friends’, I have used their children’s nicknames.

**Oh, and I got my computer back! Yay! *Insert happy dance here*

One response to “Kid Logic

  1. I love you Cori! 🙂

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