Mama Miller Parenting

Passionate parenting and homemaking.

Feeling like a Momstar

on August 28, 2012

Motherhood is undoubtedly humbling. It is a daily resolution of servitude and sacrifice.

We are always accountable for the well being of our families. Our needs don’t come first or second or sometimes even twentieth. We don’t get sick days or vacation. Our station in life, education, or wealth mean nothing to little noses and bottoms that need wiping.

It is so easy to let the weight of responsibility crush us. We tear ourselves down for what we can’t accomplish.

My home will not always be perfectly tidy and decorated with the latest craft trend. It just won’t. I am not a super organized soul.

It is easy for me to find my faults, and I suspect this is true of all moms. We are hard on ourselves.

I don’t want to talk about the moments that get us down but those fleeting, amazing moments that make us feel like a rock star. The ones where you pat yourself on the back and bask in your own awesomeness.

Today I had a “Momstar” moment.

Our dearest friends came into town for a funeral. So today while my husband was at work and my friends were at the funeral, I was at home with four kids. I had their 4.5 year old, my 3 year old, their almost 2 year old, and our almost 1 year old. We actually made it through the morning with zero meltdowns. I got all the kids fed, vacuumed my floors, I got the three younger ones to nap at the same time, and had their son resting.

Holy cow!

I can’t get my 3 year old to nap most of the time. My floor often just stays crumb coated until well into the evening or next day. I couldn’t believe how smoothly everything went. I was dancing inside.

It is ok to have those moments. We are so often humbled and discouraged, let God build you back up!

Celebrate little victories. Let kind words touch your heart. Acknowledge your strengths.

Pass those blessing on to other moms too. It is not a competition. We all have strengths and we should build each other up. We are meant to be a sisterhood.

I personally don’t care if you breastfeed or bottle feed. I don’t care if you use cloth diapers or disposable. I don’t care if you discipline differently than I do. I don’t care if you make your own baby food and products. As long as your child isn’t abused, going hungry, or sitting all day in their own poop; we are in this thing together.

Have you had any “Momstar” moments lately?

2 responses to “Feeling like a Momstar

  1. Great job….definitely a “Momstar” moment!! Love it!

  2. You have great insight into motherhood and are indeed a momstar!

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