Mama Miller Parenting

Passionate parenting and homemaking.

You know you’re 9 months pregnant when…

on August 30, 2013

I apologize for my absence. Our house has been invaded by ants and we’re currently staying at my parents. I’m slowly getting over being ill, but I’m still exhausted. I hope to get back into my reading and commenting soon. Just popping in for a quick post…


Brother love!

I’m officially a few days shy of 9 months pregnant. As I said before, we are staying at my parents until after the exterminator comes tomorrow. Husband went to the house to move our clothes out of the closet before they come tomorrow. Yes, we have ants all up in our closet. Ugh.

He picked up some more clothes for all of us. I ran up to his work to get them out of his truck. When I got back to my parents, what would fall out of the bag? Why, my bra of course.

You know you’re 9 months pregnant if you’ve ever kicked a bra up the sidewalk because bending over is not an option. (Yes, that happened.)

You know you’re 9 months pregnant when you bribe your son to pick something up for you with a cookie.

You know you’re 9 months pregnant when people ask if you’re due any day now, but you’re still a month out.

You know you’re 9 months pregnant if you’ve ever had an emotional crisis over running out of lunch meat.

You know you’re 9 months pregnant when you adopt a Hobbit eating plan. (Why yes, second breakfast sounds perfectly viable.)

You know you’re 9 months pregnant when water gives you heartburn.

You know you’re 9 months pregnant when you are willing to let your kids sleep wherever they fall because carrying them to bed isn’t going to happen.

You know you’re 9 months pregnant when you can’t even fit in half of your maternity pants anymore.

You know you’re 9 months pregnant when you crave Reeses cups and cry because your husband gets the minis instead of the regular cups. (There is a different chocolate to peanut butter ratio, I swear!)

You know you’re 9 months pregnant when the only way sex sounds remotely appealing is the hope of jump starting labor.

You know you’re 9 months pregnant when you go to the bathroom, wash you’re hands, and the sound of the running water makes you need to pee again.

You know you’re 9 months pregnant when switching positions while sleeping involves a bathroom trip and rearranging about 10 pillows.

Yep, I’m feeling it!

22 responses to “You know you’re 9 months pregnant when…

  1. whatthemom says:

    So glad I’m not 9 mos pregnant! Congrats to you!

  2. Winding road says:

    Oh, yes…brings back so many memories. You’re in the home stretch!! And you are right on about the choc/pb ratio being much smaller in the minis

  3. kerihouchin says:

    Hm. Maybe this is tmi, but #10 does work. 😉 Hang in there!

  4. lynnc2010 says:

    I am so glad that I am not the only one who got heartburn from water. People always thought I was nuts when I said it. But water was the worst for me. Unless you are being sarcastic. In which case… nvm ha ha

  5. momtimes4 says:

    Oh poor thing! Hang in there. It’s almost over!

    • I’m good overall, but I came out of being sick and now the third trimester is hitting me hard! I didn’t gain weight for most of this pregnancy and now I’m starting with the water weight. Full blown penguin waddle going on!

  6. erikamari says:

    Oh girl! You’re almost there! Man I totally remember that last one! I think I had 12 pillows….all for me. 😛 many blessings!!!

  7. A Wee Nest says:

    Haha! So funny!! You took me back to six months ago–what a trip! Have a great birth!!!

  8. gdemarco89 says:

    Oh gosh, these cracked me up! I am only 21 weeks, but I feel your pain! It will all be worth it in the end 🙂

  9. […] is currently 9 months pregnant… check out this hilarious post that reminds us of the things that we don’t miss She also has 2 other beautiful kids […]

  10. Hang in there! I have been in your shoes and it’s no easy task, especially with 2 other little ones at home!

  11. Efficient Momma says:

    lol! I remember being 9 months pregnant. I think God made pregnancy just a few weeks longer than it needs to be haha.

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