Mama Miller Parenting

Passionate parenting and homemaking.

Reconnecting with a 3 year old cyclone

on September 30, 2012

“I’m so angry with you this morning.”
“Oh, I’m sorry mommy. I’m so happy at you!”

I had reached the end of my patience reserves with K this morning.

My husband had to work early and I had to get both the kids to church on my own. It usually takes me all of 15 minutes to get myself ready but this morning it took almost 3 times that.

I begged K, I pleaded with him to please please please stay in the living room and play with sister. Instead he was getting into everything, knocking the baby gate down, and encouraging E to join in the havoc. I would straighten one strand of hair and then have to chase kids back to the living room before the next. We barely made it out the door.

I feel bad for K. As the oldest, his antics are often not appreciated. Baby E still takes a lot of my time and attention. I can’t always handle the 3 year old messes, the demands, and the battles of wills. I am just one woman with a million hats.

This afternoon I got to reconnect with my little tornado. After church he and his cousin, KT came with me to see Aunt Kristen’s new apartment. Daddy took Baby E with him to visit Nana and Poppy. KT went home with her parents and I got a few hours with K all to myself.

We didn’t do anything really. No crafts or activities. We snuggled and talked. We practiced his AWANA verse and sang songs.

I got the chance to look at him and really see him. I saw my beautiful little boy. I marveled at how much he looks like his daddy. I held him and stole his kisses.

Sometimes all we see is the tornado. We see the mess, but not the child.

I have to have dates, even just stay-at-home-after-the-kids-are-asleep dates, with my husband. We need that time to reconnect and realize we are on the same team…

I think we have to do the same with out children. I needed that time with K today.

What are some of your favorite kid date ideas?

My little tornado.


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