Mama Miller Parenting

Passionate parenting and homemaking.

Where does the time go?

on September 29, 2012

We’ve had a very emotional weekend.

Andy finally finished his week of overnight shifts. We are still trying to get our sleep schedules back to normal.

We had someone steal my debit card info and have been dealing with the bank and various police departments in Texas and California. Seriously, if you are smart enough to hack bank accounts- get a job.

We found out someone dear to us has cancer. They found it early and should be able to get it all with surgery, but it is still scary. We love this person deeply and hope they have a clean bill of health soon.

I spent the day wading through the rain and helping my baby sister move into her first apartment. She is the youngest of five. I swear yesterday she was 3 and playing dress-up. Or maybe she was 7 and talking our little boy cousin into playing Barbies…

I’m so proud of her. She works two jobs, goes to college, and is the “mom” figure in her apartment of friends. I watched her rally her troops and lead them into moving battle today.

On top of all this, E suddenly looks like a toddler! Her little baby chub is disappearing. She talks more and runs everywhere. She loves her babies and combs my hair. She is getting little curls around the base of her neck.

Too soon.

It has indeed been emotional. Good and bad. Either way, I am a crier.

Praying for recovery of our money and sanity, healing, wisdom for my sister and her friends on their first leap into adulthood, and for me to take the time to savor the precious moments in life.

It all goes by so fast… Except for the ones when you are covered in gross. Those slow down.

E reading her book in her pjs with one tutu on her waist and another on her head.

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