Mama Miller Parenting

Passionate parenting and homemaking.

Texas: Please take your meds

on February 15, 2013

Dearest Texas,

I love you. I really do. Please know that. I love your spring flowers. I love the big blue skies. You have the best food and the best people. Dr. Pepper and Texas sweet tea are nectar from heaven. You contain some of the most beautiful places on earth.

You are great. I can’t imagine living anywhere else.

That being said, we have a few things to discuss, dearest state of mine…

Please get some medication for your bipolar disorder. Your weather related mood swings are hurting those that love you. Your children are getting sick because we go from shorts and air conditioning to sweaters and heaters about five times in the course of a week.

This is not ok. The only predictable season is summer, when we know to expect hot or hotter. During Fall, Winter, and Spring we are at the mercy of your ever-changing whims.

Please get help. I love you, but I can’t afford any more doctor’s visits for ear infections and sinus infections.

With all the love for my Lone Star State,

Please excuse my tired ramblings… E has another double ear infection and I have a cough that is not helping my pregnancy nausea. We really have gone between running the air and heat several times in the past few weeks.

20130215-224336.jpgE and K in the lovely bluebonnets.

8 responses to “Texas: Please take your meds

  1. bless you, hope better soon! Her in the Uk the weather is so bonkers and freezing! xxx

    • Texas is usually hot. We stay at 100+ (Fahrenheit) during the summer. We just aren’t used to cold weather. It rarely snows- maybe 2 times a year. And it isn’t uncommon for it to snow and be bellow freezing for a day or two and then jump back up to short weather the next day. It means a lot of people end up sick during this time of year because of the back and forth weather. We have a saying, “If you don’t like the weather in Texas, wait five minutes and it’ll change.” 🙂

      Does the UK stay cold most of the time?

  2. Carole Ramke says:

    You might be interested in my little book, “How to Stop Colds, Allergies & More, available for $9.99 at or see my blog and website at

    I promise it works in Texas!

  3. The Sunshine State also needs to deal with its bipolar weather! We went from 75 to 25 over the course of 2 days. Not cool (well, it literally is cool but that is just not right!). What happened to the groundhog saying winter was over?!!!!

    • I don’t know. I’m beginning to think that relying on a rodent to predict the weather may not be the smartest thing… Although it seems to have the same accuracy as our weathermen. We’ve been going from 80s to 30s and 40s.

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