Mama Miller Parenting

Passionate parenting and homemaking.

Snapshots of Thanksgiving- Day 17

on November 17, 2012

Day 17:

After trying to keep E from climbing things all day I started to go stir crazy. Daddy worked a short shift but went to work on the “Old House”. I love staying with my kids but I was beginning to feel isolated and was getting truly tired of vacuuming constant messes. I finally decided we had to get away for a bit.

I took the kids to the park I used to go to as a kid. It was a little farther than our usual parks but worth it. The old rickety wooden play ground has been replaced with a newer metal/plastic play ground but the bike trails were still there. I have many fond memories of riding my bike, wading in the creek, and hiding secret notes for friends in that park.

*taking a moment to marinate in nostalgia*

I am so thankful for public parks and play areas. I am glad that kids can have a place to go be kids.

Here is E riding a chicken:


E has no fear. She gladly climbed to the very tallest slide by herself. She makes me nervous and proud at the same time.


K is much more cautious than E. I was surprised and excited when he decided to climb the rock wall. He fell once, but tried again.


He also sat on a hanging tree branch.


He collected “treasures” while we walked. He gathered leaves, acorns, and rocks in his fireman hat. He poured them out in his bin to show Daddy when we got home.



My stellar parenting move of the day was leaving E’s shoes in the truck, which Daddy was driving. I decided E would be fine in socks on the play ground and could ride in the car wagon while we walked. When we got back to the car I realized she had been dragging her feet in the wagon and her socks looked like this:


We are tough on socks.

I’m just glad that my kids are able to get dirty, run, fall, climb, try again, slide, swing, collect treasures, enjoy nature, and just be kids!

One response to “Snapshots of Thanksgiving- Day 17

  1. oh! those little toes are so cute! poor thing, but I’m sure she didn’t feel a thing, too busy playing 🙂

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