Mama Miller Parenting

Passionate parenting and homemaking.

More about K

K is out 4 year old. He is also known as K-bear and Cuten (like the Kraken but cuter). He is super inquisitive, dramatic, intelligent, ridiculous, and awesome. He tests my patience daily but he makes me laugh so much. He loves trains, cars, construction equipment, bow ties, Star Wars, music, and books.

Here is newborn K. He looks innocent in this one.

Cutest 1 year old ever. He fell and busted his chin the day before. Rocking the camo bandage over his stitches.

K at 2. He loved this cardboard train.

My 3 year old.

K helping demo the house we are remodeling.


With daddy.

2 responses to “More about K

  1. what a great site you all have put together. My blog is somewhat focused on my little ones as well. I’m about to read more of yours this evening. thanks!

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