Mama Miller Parenting

Passionate parenting and homemaking.

Life with three kids

on October 24, 2013

I’ve had a lot of people ask me how I’m doing lately.

How am I coping with three kids?

How am I feeling?

Well, here it is. My uncensored, sleep deprived version of the past four weeks.

● We found a waffle in the fish tank last night.

● I absolutely adore watching K and E interact with the baby. They love to hold him and kiss him.

● E also loves to sniff him and try to decide if he is poopy…

● I am no longer shy about nursing. Being poked in the boob repeatedly by a two year old saying, “Mommy booby milk” will do it. With K I had to be in a separate room and completely covered. With E I used the big tent cover and felt dangerous when I nursed in the mall play area. Now I use a thin muslin blanket to cover the goods, but not his head. No one has been flashed (outside of family) or made any rude comments.

● There are toys everywhere. The house has settled into a state of clean, but cluttered chaos.

● After hours of nursing and being used as a jungle gym by the big kids, I get ‘touched out’ and desperately crave personal space. Husband usually takes over soothing and listening for kids when he gets off work so I can have a few hours of quiet sleep.

● I thought I’d still be crazy sore, but I’m moving around pretty well. Sometimes I do too much and end up super sore though.

● I’m often torn between the need for privacy while I pee and knowing where the big kids are. Peeing alone means yelling, “Do not touch baby!”… Repeatedly.

● I’m sick to death of strangers commenting on how I have my hands full. It is like asking a tall person, “How’s the weather up there?” It is expected and I’m used to it, but it doesn’t make it any less irksome.

● I squirted myself in the face with milk once and K thought it was hilarious.

● I eat an unprecedented amount of cream of wheat. It is easy, warm, and can be spooned into my mouth with one free hand.

● My pits smell like pancakes all the time. Fenugreek supplements (for milk supply) give you a lovely maple smell.

● We call Baby F our little spider monkey because he is all limbs.


Life in the Miller house.

5 responses to “Life with three kids

  1. I am glad things are going well for you! I agree with you on the ‘oh you have your hands full thing’ Most. Annoying. Thing. Ever. And the toys everywhere. Our house is the same way. I have learn to make a sweeping motion with my foot before I step down on a toy. You are doing great!

    • Thanks! I felt like a warrior when I took the kids to the mall play area by myself. I had the baby in the carrier on my chest and a kid in each hand. When people would stare I felt like, “Yep, I’m just that awesome.” lol

  2. Winding road says:

    a waffle in the fish tank? lol! sounds like life with 3 is fun and chaotic as it should be. funny about the maple smell. kinda gross but my son and I both smelled like corn the first few months of his life and nursing. who knows what strange hormone in my body made that smell. It was more like green olives with my daughter. not very sexy to say the least.

    • I looked up from nursing at midnight and said, “Honey, there is a waffle in the fish tank.” We do the frozen wheat waffles for breakfast sometimes. I’m guessing E is the culprit.

      It is so weird that we smell different when breastfeeding! Postpartum is a strange time indeed.

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