Mama Miller Parenting

Passionate parenting and homemaking.

Snapshots of Thanksgiving- Day 15

on November 15, 2012

Day 15:


Today is a twofer.

K was over-tired last night and passed out in front of his dinner at 5:30pm. We tried to wake him up but he curled up on the living room floor. E was crawling all over him, kissing him, trying to give him his juice cup… Nothing. He was out.

He had to have been a special type of tired to sleep through E sitting on his head…

This did not bode well for mommy. He slept through the night and was up at 4am. I finally put on Toy Story 2 for him and climbed back into bed but he was soon snuggled into my back and talking a million miles an hour. It was a long morning.

Today I am thankful for naps!

K finally ran out of steam and passed out with Skippy John Jones. E wouldn’t let me hold her but played till she dropped- all snoodled up with her baby doll and brother’s Optimus Prime. They were cute. I snapped a picture of each, covered them, and snuggled up on the couch for my own nap!

The kids napping at the same time is a rare and beautiful occurrence. Sometimes it is used to catch up on housework, but many times it is my rare chance to be still. Moms need to occasionally be still or take a nap.

The nap refreshed my body and God refreshed my soul.

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