Mama Miller Parenting

Passionate parenting and homemaking.

E’s Education Plan

on October 30, 2012

When E was napping today, I banished K to play in his room and caught up on laundry. (Well, I tried to catch up on laundry.) I cranked up the radio to drown out the sounds of K making a huge mess in his room and folded piles of long neglected clean clothes. There were a few small piles of clothes that had to be sniff tested to make sure they weren’t dirty things that ended up next to the clean clothes basket.

Is it sad that this felt like a getaway? Just zoning out, doing something easy, and listening to music that makes no mention of the words “yummy”, “potty”, or “icky”.

We decided to go check the mail after E woke up and K had thoroughly destroyed his room. I was surprised to read this letter:

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Miller,

We have been following a strange string of activities and decided to reach out to you on these matters. We believe your daughter, E, may have certain gifts of which you may not be aware. Society calls these gifted young people mutants.

A young mutant will often only reveal their abilities to one member of their family. We believe your son, K, has witnessed her powers. As early as her turning 1 month old he has been reporting strange behavior. She has reportedly broken his arm, flipped him over, bit him, throw all the toys around the living room, and made him believe he was turned into various things (a princess, a pumpkin, a baby, Minnie Mouse, etc.) all without ever touching anything or the ability to speak.

This could be a sign of great telekinetic powers cultivating in her. We want you to be aware of these concerns and ask you to consider our School For Gifted Youngsters as a possibility when she starts kindergarten. We will be tracking her progress and will send you more information soon.

We look forward to hearing from you,

Charles Xavier

8 responses to “E’s Education Plan

  1. LOL You are funny! ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for sharing this! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Than you so much! My husband and I joke all the time about how either E is going to the School for Gifted Youngsters or K will end up in a prestigious drama program for theatrics… He is always telling us crazy things sister did to him. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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